Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick

On Tuesday 8th March, Forefield Junior School welcomed some very special visitors. Enclosed in an incubator to keep them warm were some eggs that were almost ready to hatch. During the day, cracks began to appear in a few of the shells. When we arrived in school the follwing day, several of the eggs had hatched overnight and among the broken shells were a few tiny chicks.

Chicks and eggs
Children are fascinated by the chicks.

The young chicks remained in the incubator for the next 24 hours before being moved into a larger brooder box. The brooder box contained food and water as well as a light bulb for warmth.

Over the course of the following week, each class was given the opportunity to get closer to the chicks and learn a little more about them during organised lessons and activities.

Staff and pupils were amazed to see how quickly the chicks grew and before long, the fluffy down was beginning to disappear as the chicks began to sprout feathers on their wings.

At the end of the second week, it was time to say goodbye to the chicks. We had become quite attached and were sorry to see them go. Some of the chicks returned to the farm, but four were rehomed with one of our pupils who has promised to provide us with updates about their progress.

Click here to view other events from 2009/2010.

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