Flora 'Cooking With Schools' Roadshow
Wednesday 18 June, 2007
As a way of saying 'Thank you' for providing the music for their TV commercial, Flora brought the 'Cooking With Schools' roadshow to Forefield Juniors.

During the roadshow, our hall was transformed to look like a television studio hosting a cookery show, 'Seeds TV'. Each class in Years 3, 4 and 5 took turns to participate in the show, based on the theme of 'Healthy Eating'. The 'Seeds TV chef' taught the children how to make a batch of delicious fruit scones, using a healthy spread in place of butter.

As well as having a cookery lesson, the children were also given the opportunity to participate in other activities to help them learn about maintaining a healthy body.

Click on any of the photographs to view more pictures of the roadshow.

Of course, no TV studio is complete without a camera operator and ours was no exception. The days activities were caught on camera and compiled into our very own Seeds TV show.

Click here to watch the video.

Please note: The video will open in a new window and may take a few minutes to download. If it does not play at all, you may need to install the latest version of Flash Player. Click here to download.


Food Hygiene

Before they could begin cooking, the children had to learn some of the basic rules of food hygiene.

Why do you think these rules are important?

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