M & M Productions
The Kosmic Krew
The Kosmic Krew and the Search for the Parthanoid Gateway
Friday 6 June 2008
Forefield Junior School were pleased to welcome back the 'kast and krew' of M & M Productions with the final instalment of the Kosmic Krew trilogy - The Search for the Parthanoid Gateway.

The evil Lord Destron has one half of the Parthanoid Stone, a magical artefact that has the power to open a gateway to the stars. He knows that the other half is located somewhere on Earth. If he finds it, he will be able to travel the universe, creating havoc everywhere he goes.

The Kosmic Krew must do everything in their power to stop him...but will they succeed?

Click any photograph to view a larger image.

For more information about 'The Kosmic Krew', including profiles of the Krew, video clips, games, puzzles and posters to download,

Visit 'The Kosmic Krew' website.

Please note: Clicking the link above will open the Kosmic Krew website in a new window. We are not responsible for content hosted outside the Forefield Junior School site.
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