4C Class Assembly
29 February 2008

4C are in desperate trouble! Their maths homework is due in today, but they don't know how to do it. Whatever will they do? They need a superhero to save the day.

But who will that hero be...?

Hey there! We heard you needed some help.

That's right, but who are you?

We're the Ghostbusters; superheroes who help lots of people get rid of ghosts, ghouls and gooey stuff in their homes.

I really don't think you can help. There are no ghosts or ghouls involved in our homework, just maths, maths and more maths.

Ok, well, I guess we should go then.
Thanks anyway!

4C are still in trouble. They need a homework hero, not a ghostbusting hero!

Did someone say they needed a hero? I'm Wonder Woman and I fight against the evil forces in the world to ensure peace and harmony for everyone.

Can you fight against the evil of our maths homework?

Erm, well, maths was never my best subject actually. Maybe I could freeze your teacher so she can't shout at you...

It's tempting, but I think we'd get in a lot of trouble for that. Thanks anyway, Wonder Woman.


Surely there must be a hero somewhere out there who can help 4C.

Wait! What's that?


Is it a bird?

Is it a plane?

NO!!! It's Superman!!

Hey kids! I'm the world's greatest superhero and I heard you needed some help.

Hi Superman! That's right.

So what's the problem? Is there an evil villain to find? Is there a crime to solve?


Ok. Is there an innocent child who needs saving? A cat stuck up a tree?
Well, no. Actually, we can't do our maths homework.
What? I'm Superman. I can save hundreds of people from a burning building in a matter of seconds. I can...

That's all well and good, Superman but can you help us with our maths homework?

Er...not unless it's the two times table.

Oh well. Thanks for dropping by.


Things are starting to look desperate for 4C. The bell is about to go and they have still not done their homework. If Superman can't help them, can anyone?

Hey guys, what's wrong?

We don't understand how to do our maths homework.

We've done it. Do you want us to explain it to you?

Really? That would be great, thanks. Do you know what?

You're our heroes!
4C didn't need superheroes like the Ghostbusters, Wonder Woman or Superman. All they needed was someone to explain the work to them.
...just being the right person...
...in the right place...
... at the right time...
...is all you really need to be a hero.
How could you be a hero today?
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