3R Class Assembly
Friday 11th April 2008
The children in Year 3 have been reading 'The Roman Beanfeast' by Gillian Cross. As well as enjoying the story, it also made 3R think about the way we treat each other because, as you will see, one of the characters is not very nice at all!

The story begins on a busy morning in Davey's house on the day of the trip to the Roman Fort. His little sister had spilled yoghurt on his form and, as his mum was so busy, Davey didn't like to mention that he neede a packed lunch.

In the middle of the chaos, the doorbell rang. Davey's heart sank when he saw Molly standing on the doorstep.

"Got your packed lunch Davey?" she asked with a smug smile.


Molly carried on smiling all the way to school. They arrived just in time, as the coach was already there. Before Davey could go and sit with his friend Gary, Molly pushed him into a front seat and sat down beside him. When they got to the fort, Mrs Johnson gave them a booklet and told them to set off with their partners. Davey watched sadly as Gary disappeared.

"Come on, Dummy," Molly said, grabbing Davey's arm.


By lunchtime, Davey had had quite enough. Molly had hogged the clipboard all morning and had made fun of him in front of the whole class.

After the trip to the fort, Mrs Johnson asked the children to make something special for the Roman Feast at the end of term. There would be a special prize for the best entry.


Davey was excited and decide to make an onager like the one he had seen at the Roman Fort. He was really pleased with his effort until he saw that Molly had copied his idea and, somehow, had made a much bigger and better one.

Even worse, when Davey showed his model to the class, Molly broke it and pretended it was an accident.


After that, Davey decided he would make a time line. His mum took him to the library, but his little sister and brother knocked over a whole shelf of books and they had to leave.

Just then, Davey heard a smug voice saying, "Oh, dear! The twins are being naughty!"

The next day at school, Molly arrived with a timeline long enough to stretch out into the playground.


From then on, Davey decided to keep his ideas top secret. He spent ages making a cauldron and he carried it very carefully to school. Molly was desperate to know what Davey had made, but he wouldn't tell. Molly was so cross that, in the cloakroom, she pretended she wasn't looking when she stepped on Davey's model. It was ruined.

Davey was upset and angry with Molly. He couldn't understand why she was being so mean to him.


Back home, Davey was looking at his broken models when he had a great idea. Rushing around the house, he collected an old pair of tights, some crumpled newpaper, a worn out pillow case and some old pyjamas. He used the broken onager for a sword and the cauldron for a helmet. The brown paper timeline made excellent sandals.

When he stepped back to look, Davey had made a fine looking Roman Soldier.

Beat the Bully!

When a person decides to treat someone else badly over and over again it is called bullying. After talking about bullying in class, we decided to make a film all about it. We hope you enjoy it, but we also hope you will listen carefully and think about our message.

Click here to watch our film 'Beat the Bully'

NB: The film may take a few minutes to download. It you cannot see the film, you may need to install Flash Player. We are not responsible for external content.
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